Our Services

iOS & Android Development

iOS & Android Development

7+ years of software & application development

  • Responsive website, high-quality, clean and modern design
  • Mobile friendly websites
  • User-friendly and contempory layout
  • SEO friendly websites
  • Full-stack custom website build
Web Solutions and Development

Web Solutions and Development

Engineered solutions with hands-on technical support

  • Microsoft Windows Server install, storage and compute
  • AWS Certified Solutions
  • Network Security identify, install and manage
  • Cybersecurity foundation and consultation
  • System administration and service desk support
Electronics Service and Repair

Electronics Service and Repair

Customer orientated delivering fine workmanship

  • Hardware service and repair
  • Computer/laptop upgrade, service and repair
  • Mobile phone service and repair
  • Network setup and install
  • Software troubleshoot for PC and mobile devices